1.Summer cereals: A wide range of products of efficient crops with leading varieties of both animals and human consumption: Cereals without gluten, Sorghum, corns, sorghums by Sudan grass, etc.
2.Winter cereals: Each year we introduced new varieties of barley, soft and hard wheats, oats.... more productive and resistant to major pests or diseases and to changing environmental factors.
Oats (Forridena, Prevision, Rapidena).
Barley (VariClamor, Devora, Garbo, Iranis, Azara, Doña Pepa),
Wheat soft & durum (Alabanza, Anza, Bitacora, Bologna, Kilopond, Kumberi, Rudo, Trocadero, Arcobaleno, Gallareta, Molino, Pedroso, Valira, Vitron, Vitrosol, Vitric).
Triticale (Forricale, Tritano, Titania).